Getting Started with the Otherworlds RPG

02/14/22 EDIT: It’s been four years, so we’ve modified the contents of this article to include recent updates! :)

Let’s Rock and Roll!


So, you’re interested in starting your journey with Otherworlds? Well, you’ve come to the right place!

You'll need a few things to get started…

1. Choose to become a Patron OR Back Us On GameFound
If you become a $1 Patron (Vindicator) or higher, you gain access to our core rules (over 10,000 words) via Google Document OR you can back us on GameFound to receive specific Otherworlds products you want. Keep in mind that if you become a Patron, you’d get access our other game files, content for so much more outside of Otherworlds, but if you only want Otherworlds, then GameFound is your best bet.

Read here to look more at what our Patreon has to offer.

2. Purchase Otherworlds Zero
(Not needed if you’re a Gold Patron or GameFound Backer): This is the starter guide for Otherworlds. It details the rules of the game for adventuring, combat, and general play. It also has a sample adventure and characters, so you dive right into the game! 
PDF Version

3. Download the free Otherworlds Game Guide: This sorts the most important details in a distilled fashion. This is also perfect for handing out to your players.
Here's My Game Guide! 


If you like what you're seeing so far or you just want to go all in, then here's some additional content to enjoy! 

4. Need Players?: Join our Discord community for gaming and anime! We have many people eager and looking to play many tabletop games, including Otherworlds! It’s also a great place to ask questions and to work on custom content!

5. Become A Vscriber!: This is my personal mailing list that I send infrequently (around once or twice a month, not counting some initial welcoming emails). Those subscribed gain access to The Vault, which includes an Otherworlds Art Book among many other things for you! Become a vscriber here!

6. Otherworlds Playlist: We have a playlist on YouTube featuring Otherworlds content for you to check out! Check out the playlist here!

7. Checkout the Otherworlds Character Creation Demo: This is a taste of character creation. You'll have access to make several types of characters from the demo!

Note: The Character Creation Demo was written and designed nearly four years ago, wasn’t edited, and doesn’t reflect the final Character Creation for Otherworlds, however, it is still compatible with current Otherworlds, thus remains here in case you want it.

Character Creation Demo

8. Pickup A Dam Shame and the Zomquatch Challenge! Between the sci-fi robot terrorist fest and hunting a zombie sasquatch through the woods, you should find enjoyment.  
A Dam Shame
Zomquatch Challenge (comes with Gold Patronage)

9. Watch Otherworlds Adventures: This is our first livestream campaign for Otherworlds! You can watch it here.

You can learn more about Otherworlds on the Official Website!