Top 5 Reasons Why KeyForge Is Perfect For You (And You Don’t Even Know It)

So, before we jump in, I just need to say… the reason why I even thought to do this write up is because there’s so many people I know who aren’t talking about or even given KeyForge the slightest time of day, despite knowing they would in fact enjoy it if they would! It’s with my utmost of hopes that this article will inspire even just one person to give this game a try! 

  1. KeyForge is great for casuals.
    This is the biggest one. Whether it be people who’ve never touched a collectible card game, a girlfriend who doesn’t like card games, or me, someone who loves them, KeyForge does such a great job at being accessible. The creator, Richard Garfield is known for designing Magic: The Gathering, but he’s also designed King of Tokyo, which is known for being a great game for any play group.I think KeyForge really managed to nail the sweet spot between the two! 

  2. KeyForge doesn’t require you to keep spending to enjoy it.
    This is a big deal to me. I’m poor. Broke. A peasant. I can’t afford to stay relevant in any other competitive card game, but KeyForge? Whether you have one deck or one hundred, you can play on a fairly balanced playing field, especially on a casual level.I’ve had decks I thought were weaker, still beat my “best decks.” The game constantly feels like you’re exploring what your decks can do and for decks that do end up being more powerful, Richard has a nifty mechanic called chains which is an in-game way to deal with it! Also, the Adaptive format is a fan favorite which evens the playing field as well.

  3. The lore and gameplay is wacky, incredible, fun!
    The game already has its own roleplaying game filled with lore, but even before that you can see the wacky characters, flavor text, and story ooze through the cards. It turns out throwing shurikens at your enemies and assembling giant monsters can be a ton of fun in card games! 

  4. It’s the best card game
    Okay, this is highly subjective and I’m not going to act like I can make this objective, but seriously, KeyForge has some wonderful optics. It’s Fantasy Flight’s best product ever. It’s affordable. There’s billions of different decks, all unique. Your deck is yours and yours alone. The gameplay is easy to learn but hard to master. You can’t get mana screwed. There’s no net decking. It’s the least “pay to win” collectible game out there. It’s not afraid to push boundaries or be a little whacky. The gameplay is more unique than many other card games out there.I could go on, but let’s go to the most important point...

  5. Perfect for people who love deck customization 
    Alright, a bit of a misnomer because I know what you might be thinking… KeyForge doesn’t have any deck customization (or if you’re completely new to KeyForge, you may have not have known that… well surprise!)

    The thing is, for me at least, when it comes to deck customization, the reason why I love it, is because it’s a chance to use a unique combination of cards, to make a deck that feels wholly unique to me.

    Many other card games allow you to create your own decks, but in doing so, people will net deck, which is to say, just build the best decks. Even the most creative format in MTG. Commander, is filled with tons of staples that takes up ⅓ of your decklist. Is it really customization your deck if ⅓ of your deck are “must haves,” another ⅓ is lands, and the last ⅓ is your choice?

    Technically yes.But to me, KeyForge does something I’d say is magical.It let’s you play every card in the game. From the good, the bad, and the ugly.  I know when I was little I LOVED the card, Celtic Guardian in Yu-Gi-Oh. I don’t know why. I just did. But he was awful. He was NEVER playable.This was upsetting.But if he was in KeyForge, he’d be playable and I would have been a happy kid. Understanding this point is a level deeper of thinking than most are willing to do, which is a big reason I feel like KeyForge isn’t doing as well as it should, however, it’s also exactly the reason why I love it. I hope you found this article useful.If you’d like to discuss KeyForge and other games, then be sure to drop into my Discord community.

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