The 3 Pillars of Spellslingers

Strike While The Iron Is Hot!

As with any artist, inspiration can strike at any moment and when that happens, you want to be sure to act on it!

That’s why I’m here today, typing up this article. I’ve been listening to other people in the industry, namely the The Covenant Cast (I definitely recommend them). Their talks about games often not stating their principles and not adhering to what the game is meant to be about as expansions release, really resonated with me.

So here’s a confined, declaration to you and myself of what Spellslingers is, is about, and what the goals of the game are.

Kyugen and Aiden Finished.jpg

The Pillars

1. Fast and fun! The name of the game is Spellslingers after all! We want to make sure with any set of cards we release, the primary focus is to play cards, discover synergies, and make sure the game is faster than other similar games! This doesn’t mean more defensive strategies won’t be rewarded, just that we won’t action to be happening - which can also be awesome defense!

2. One Deck. One thing that makes Spellslingers special is the “all you need is one deck to play with up to 10 friends” pitch we give. I’ve tried sidestepping this in the past, back in 2018, by creating the 1v1 “Deconstructed” format (which I still enjoy), but it steered away from what made Spellslingers special. This also matters when designing mechanics, as cards that refer to a shared deck and discard pile would handle much differently than if players have their own decks and discard piles.

3. Multiplayer. Spellslingers is all about playing with any group of friends or family members! The more the merrier as they say… so to that end, while Spellslingers will still offer head to head battles, its focus should remain on the group aspect of play.

I hope these pillars give you some good insight on how I’m reflecting on Spellslingers and where it’s trajectory is.

I’m happy our current released products have all fallen in line with these three pillars and I’m looking forward to sharing with you more details in the future!

If you haven’t got Spellslingers or the stand alone expansion, you can get them in our shop here.

Stay awesome!