Vindicated - Games That Crit Different

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Not Fitting Into Tabletop Gaming?

Are You A “Board Game Guy”?

Or “board game girl,” I don’t judge.

I’ve gone through many years being called, “the board game guy,” by my peers. A kind sentiment, but also one that always seems to not quite “land” for me. Why? Well, it just feels a bit off. After all, how can I be “the board game guy” when I own around 45 board games?

Sure, compared to your average normie, that’s a lot, but to any “board gamer,” it pales in comparison, as I’m so often reminded.

Even when I go to conventions and speak to other board gamers, I’m often asked, “what’s your favorite board game,” and then get a really weird look when I struggle coming up with an answer, only to stumble into something like Cryptozoic’s Cartoon Network’s Crossover Crisis, Campy Creatures, or Love Letter.

Then, there’s also the games I’ve made, which often get tons of praise from what I’ll call “casual gamers” or really just any tabletop gamer outside the typical demographic that makes up the bulk of the tabletop industry.

For the big dogs in the industry though (you know, the ones who frequent BGG?) my games are labeled as “filler.”

To be clear, I don’t have a problem with Ghoullotine and Spellslingers being called filler games. The problem comes from people viewing “filler” as being “less than” and inferior.

The problem is, every gamer has different things they have fun. Different types of games and different aspects they enjoy within gaming. There’s nothing wrong with that.

I’ve got many more examples about dismisses and disses, but I’m getting a bit long in the tooth.

So, what’s next?

The Board Game Industry Is Booming!

According to - Total annual growth rate of 8.81%, resulting in a projected market volume of US$4.67bn by 2026.

Prnewswire echoes the point, as well as many others.

Needless to say, tabletop gaming is only getting bigger, and with it, we can expect more and more people joining this wonderful hobby!

So what’s my point?

All of this is to say that there’s clear groups of people not currently catered to in the tabletop space. I see it with myself, my friend groups, and at many events I go to. Regardless of what I do, the industry will grow, but I’d like to be a part of that and help make sure there’s space for people like me as well.

Casual Doesn’t Cut It

I feel like a rebuttal would be that casuals don’t carry the industry, it’s the hardcore and highly devoted that do — and I agree… mostly. However, there’s still many people who, like myself, love tabletop gaming more than your average Cards Against Humanity or UNO player, and doesn’t occupy the same space as what the bulk of the industry is.

At Odds

I’ve always struggled fitting into spaces, which is directly juxtaposed to my ability to relate and adapt to others. It didn’t click with me until New Years Day, when I was going back through some notes I’d saved over the years. Different spouts of wisdom shared by people I follow, business modules, etc. Not to bore you with business talk, but a lady named Marie Forleo invertedly helped put me on mind to all of this.

Why awkwardly try jamming my odd shaped puzzled piece self into a hole where it doesn’t fit? Instead, I should add to the puzzle, and create parts that myself and others can join as well!

Bucking Against The Grain

Not looking for any fights or any conflicts, just looking to make some space for others —people like me. For those that relate. If you’d like to learn more, I have some big plans, join the cause by diving into our Discord community, and becoming a Patron (which is the absolute best way to get updates and game content).

As always,

Stay awesome!
