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3 Card Games To Play With 6+ Players 

Have you ever been at a party or gathering and realized there's more people there than you're usually associating yourself with and you want to play a game? 

Well the go-to seems to be Cards Against Humanity, but we've luckily reached a point to where people are either a little tired of it or REALLY tired of it.

So without further ado, I wanted throw together a list of 3 really easy to play games for 6+ players.

1. Codenames: Pictures

Perfect For: Anyone who's not blind. 

While this game may look basic or you might not be a huge spy fan, I promise Codenames: Pictures is a great game to show to anyone. It's super easy to understand, play, and have a fun time. Party size doesn't get in the way either! This is a must try! 

2. Red Flags

Perfect For: Casual gamers who really want something more similar to Cards Against Humanity. 

If your group is REALLY into games like CAH, then may I suggest Red Flags? It's the best to emerge from the vein of CAH and it really does hold back the laughter that ensues. I will say though, maybe not the most appropriate with family. 

3. Spellslingers 

Perfect For: Bridging the gap between casual gamers and more experienced gamers.

The fastest game of wit wizardry. Spellslingers is an easy to learn and play card game that can handle the entire table of friends. Those familiar with card games like Yu-Gi-oh will find familiar grounds, while true new or casual gamers will be able to grasp the easy rules of "draw 1, play 1." If you're looking for a quick game of slinging spells, with interesting characters to add dynamic effects, then you can purchase this game from our store here.